Taking An Ancient Medical Philosophy For A Modern Disease- By: Oscar B Dewsbury

Description : Ayurvedic medication is something many of us, particularly in western societies, have never even heard of. Yet for a condition like psoriasis, which still baffles the world of modern medicine to this day, the ancient practices of ayurvedic treatment possibly represent the best chance you may have of being cured of the condition. In an age when we are rapidly forgetting our past heritages, it seems fitting that ancient medical practices should prove to be a powerful weapon against what many refer to as a 'modern disease'.

Ayurvedic medicine originated in India around three thousand five hundred years ago, and comprised of practices to cure a range of diseases and ailments. When considering a case of psoriasis, it is believed that the condition is caused by the body as a whole being in a state of in-balance. The most common contributors to this in-balance include the person being under a degree of stress, not getting enough regular sleep, and a high level of toxins within the body.

These causes identified over three thousand years ago are still used as possible suggestions to explain an outbreak of psoriasis today. Our diets in particular contain more processed food that at any other time in history, and the chemicals used as preservatives and additives in these foods add to the toxicity levels within the body. Add to this the levels of pollution in the air we breath filling our lungs and bodies with toxic fumes, along with our modern stressful lives that often deprive us of enough sleep. It soon starts to become easy to see how the rise in the number of psoriasis cases in the last 50 years has led to it being dubbed a modern disease.

So how do we tackle these issues that have culminated in a body prone to outbreaks of scaly red psoriasis patches, the result of an immune system struggling to cope with high levels of toxins and an undernourished body system? Dealing with stress and lack of regular sleep isn't something you can take a pill for, and to address this problem requires the sufferer to make some important decisions. Reducing the amount of stress you are under will provide many more benefits than helping to relive you of psoriasis, and is something many of us should have done years ago.

Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis takes a very much holistic view of dealing with the disease. Once you have reduced your stress levels and regulated your sleeping pattern, a final healing plan can take place. This would include ensuring the person suffering with psoriasis ate a healthy diet, and then by cleansing the body of the toxins already present. This cleansing process would have traditionally consisted of consuming mixtures that would cause the person to vomit profusely, thus clearing the body of and toxins present. Today we have the benefit of modern medical practices at our disposal, and in place of forced vomiting, getting yourself on a good detox program will suffice.

The final piece of the puzzle with ayurvedic methods of treating psoriasis lies in the use of topical treatments to help heal the skin. These would have consisted of herbal pastes or mixtures, liberally applied to the affected parts of the skin. Again, today we have a more up to date version of this, in the form of creams and lotions. Look for skin treatments that contain natural ingredients rather than chemicals, such as those with Aloe Vera juice.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Learn more about how psoriasis healing techniques can be found in ayurvedic medical theories.